- Eğitim öğretim dönemi
- 2024-2025
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- 142 Kb
7. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Dönem 2. Yazılı Difficulty: 3/5
The exam consists of questions about describing physical appearance, the school facilities and interpretation questions about a lesson schedule.
Örnek soru:
Fill in the blanks accordingly by using the verb “to be”.
The exam consists of questions about describing physical appearance, the school facilities and interpretation questions about a lesson schedule.
Örnek soru:
Fill in the blanks accordingly by using the verb “to be”.
A. They ____ very happy as a couple.
B. She ____ sad after her math exam result.
C. We ___ anxious because we have a test tomorrow.
D. I ____ furious over her attitude!
E. _ you all going to the concert?
F. __ she available for tomorrow?