Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning , generalize, or learn from past experience. Since the development of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has been demonstrated that computers can be programmed to perform very complex tasks, such as discovering proofs for mathematical theorems or playing chess, with great proficiency. Still, although there are continuing advances in computer-processing speed and memory capacity, there are as yet no programs that can match human flexibility over wider domains or in tasks requiring much everyday knowledge. On the other hand, some extraordinary programs have attained performance levels beyond those of human experts and professionals engaged in certain specific tasks. AI, in this limited sense, is used efficiently and found in applications as diverse as medical diagnosis, computer search engines, and voice or handwriting recognition.
57. It can be understood from the passage that some programs equipped with AI ----.
A) perform certain tasks much better than humans
B) have very limited memory capacity
C) successfully make use of much everyday knowledge
D) have far more flexibility than is found in human beings
E) are very limited in scope
58. According to the passage, AI ----.
A) matches human flexibility over domains wider than ever before
B) is a term used to refer to certain human-like features associated with intelligence in manmade machines
C) refers to tasks associated with such intelligent beings as humans
D) is used to describe humans’ ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience
E) has caused a decline in the overall performance of humans with difficult tasks
59. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
A) the flexibility and efficiency of AI has matched and even surpassed that of humans
B) developing a system that has human-like features will obviously remain an impossibility
C) humans are still better than computers in such tasks as proving mathematical theorems
D) despite the continuing advances, computer technology cannot be used efficiently in fields such as voice or handwriting recognition
E) although a lot has been achieved, AI is as yet in its infancy particularly when there is a need for everyday knowledge
60. According to the passage, some outstanding AI applications ----.
A) are fully-developed in terms of processing speed and memory capacity
B) are not as efficient as desired in a number of fields, including medical diagnosis
C) are soon to be employed in the development of new and diverse systems that reach beyond human flexibility
D) have surpassed the performance levels of human experts
E) are still at the stage of safety testing before they can be used in such fields as medicine and computer sciences
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning , generalize, or learn from past experience. Since the development of the digital computer in the 1940s, it has been demonstrated that computers can be programmed to perform very complex tasks, such as discovering proofs for mathematical theorems or playing chess, with great proficiency. Still, although there are continuing advances in computer-processing speed and memory capacity, there are as yet no programs that can match human flexibility over wider domains or in tasks requiring much everyday knowledge. On the other hand, some extraordinary programs have attained performance levels beyond those of human experts and professionals engaged in certain specific tasks. AI, in this limited sense, is used efficiently and found in applications as diverse as medical diagnosis, computer search engines, and voice or handwriting recognition.
57. It can be understood from the passage that some programs equipped with AI ----.
A) perform certain tasks much better than humans
B) have very limited memory capacity
C) successfully make use of much everyday knowledge
D) have far more flexibility than is found in human beings
E) are very limited in scope
58. According to the passage, AI ----.
A) matches human flexibility over domains wider than ever before
B) is a term used to refer to certain human-like features associated with intelligence in manmade machines
C) refers to tasks associated with such intelligent beings as humans
D) is used to describe humans’ ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience
E) has caused a decline in the overall performance of humans with difficult tasks
59. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
A) the flexibility and efficiency of AI has matched and even surpassed that of humans
B) developing a system that has human-like features will obviously remain an impossibility
C) humans are still better than computers in such tasks as proving mathematical theorems
D) despite the continuing advances, computer technology cannot be used efficiently in fields such as voice or handwriting recognition
E) although a lot has been achieved, AI is as yet in its infancy particularly when there is a need for everyday knowledge
60. According to the passage, some outstanding AI applications ----.
A) are fully-developed in terms of processing speed and memory capacity
B) are not as efficient as desired in a number of fields, including medical diagnosis
C) are soon to be employed in the development of new and diverse systems that reach beyond human flexibility
D) have surpassed the performance levels of human experts
E) are still at the stage of safety testing before they can be used in such fields as medicine and computer sciences
- Yapay zeka bir dijital bilgisayar ya da bilgisayar kontrollü robotun genellikle zekaya sahip varlıklarla ilişkili işleri yapma kabiliyetidir. Terim genellikle insan özgü mantıksal sonuca varabilme, anlamı keşfedebilme, genelleyebilme ya da geçmiş deneyimlerden öğrenebilme gibi zihinsel süreçlerle donatılmış sistemler geliştirme projeleri için kullanılmaktadır.1940 larda bilgisayarın gelişmesinden beri, bilgisayarların büyük bir beceriyle matematiksel teoremler için kanıtları bulabilme yada satranç oynayabilme gibi karmaşık görevleri yapmak için programlanabileceği kanıtlanmıştır. Yinede, bilgisayar işlemci hızında ve hafıza kapasitesindeki devam eden ilerlemeye rağmen, henüz daha geniş alanlarda veya çok günlük bilgi gerektiren işlerde insan esnekliği ile yarışabilecek hiçbir program yoktur. Ama bazı olağanüstü programlar uzman insanların ve bazı özel alanlarda çalışan profesyonellerin performans düzeylerinin ötesine ulaşmıştır. Bu sınırlı anlamda, Al bilgisayar tıbbi teşhisler arama motorları ses veya el yazısı tanıma kadar çeşitli uygulamalarda verimli şekilde kullanılmakta ve bulunmaktadır.
57.Paragraftan anlaşılmaktadır ki Al ile donatılmış bazı programlar…
A) bazı işleri insanlardan daha etkili şekilde
B) çok sınırlı hafıza kapasitesine sahiptir.
C) başarılı şekilde dünya bilgisini kullanmaktadır.
D) insanlarda bulunandan çok daha fazla esnekliğe sahiptir.
E) saha açısından çok sınırlıdır.
58.Paragrafa göre Al….
A) daha önce hiç olmadığından geniş alanlarda insan esnekliğiyle yarışabilir.
B) insan yapımı makinelerdeki zeka ile ilişkili insan bezeri bazı özelliklerden bahsetmek için kullanılan bir terimdir.
C) insanlar gibi akıllı varlıklar ile ilişkili görevlere atıfta bulunur.
D) insanların mantıksal sonuca varabilme, anlamı keşfedebilme, genelleyebilme ya da geçmiş deneyimlerden öğrenebilme kabiliyetlerini tanımlamak için kullanılır.
E) insanların zor işlerde genel performansında bir gerilemeye sebep olmuştur.
59.Paragraftan şunu sonuç çıkarılabilir ki …
A) Al ın esnekliği ve verimliliği insanoğlunun kine yetişmiş hatta geçmiştir.
B) insana benzer özellikli bir sistem geliştirmek açıkça imkansız olacaktır.
C) insanlar matematik teorem sağlama gibi işlerde hala bilgisayarlardan daha iyidir.
D) devam eden ilerlemeye rağmen, bilgisayarlar ses yada el yazısı tanıma gibi işlerde etkili bir şekilde kullanılamamaktadır
E) çok şey başarılmış olmasına rağmen,Al henüz özellikle günlük bilgiye ihtiyaç olduğunda gelişme dönemindedir.
60.Paragrafa göre bazı göze çarpan Al uygulamaları..
A) işlem hızı ve hafıza kapasitesi bakımından tamamen gelişmiştir.
B) tıbbi teşhisler dahil olmak üzere bir çok alanda istenildiği kadar verimli değildir.
C) yakında insan esnekliğini ötesine ulaşan yeni ve çeşitli sistemlerin gelişmesinde kullanılacaktır.
D) insan uzmanların performans düzeyini geçmiştir.
E) tıp ve bilgisayar bilimi gibi alanlarda kullanılmadan önce hala güvenlik testi aşamasındadır